Chimney & Furnace Flue Relining

Make Flue Protection a Priority

A chimney flue liner is a critical part of your chimney. Most homeowners are not aware that the byproducts of burning gas and oil in your furnace are just as bad for your chimney as those from burning solid fuels in your fireplace. All of these byproducts can easily deteriorate a flue. A chimney liner provides extra protection for the flue and guides gases and byproducts out of the chimney structure quickly.

Your chimney’s flue needs to be able to carry heat and gasses safely up and away from the chimney. A stainless steel liner is key in maintaining efficient air flow within the chimney and provides a reliable outlet for the combustion gases that are produced as a result of burning.

Heatshield chimney lining in Hershey & Lancaster, PA

To be quite honest, too many chimneys are not built right in the first place. Chimneys are installed by builders and masons, not chimney professionals current in codes and standards. A majority of older homes built before the 1940’s were not built with clay flue liners. If your chimney flue has no flue tile or lining, it is likely that the heat and gasses created during burning are leaking into your home, and could quite possibly cause carbon monoxide poisoning or a chimney fire.

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Why Get a Stainless Steel Chimney Liner?

Lets face it, if you have been given a quote or are shopping around, you already know that stainless steel chimney liners are not cheap, but in the long run the benefits outweigh the cost.

Stainless steel chimney liners tend to collect less soot and creosote than clay flue tiles when used, being much easier to keep clean. Left unprotected, the gases produced during combustion can erode and deteriorate your masonry from the interior out. A stainless steel chimney liner will provide a strong durable lining in the chimney and acts as a barrier to gases, moisture and already damaged flue tile. Having your liner insulated with a pour mix insulation or a wrap insulation helps in keeping heat in the chimney, creating a steady draft.

Our stainless steel liners come with a lifetime warranty that stays current as long as you continue with your annual chimney inspection by a CSIA certified chimney sweep.

What is HeatShield® Chimney Liner Repair?

HeatShield® is a chimney liner repair system that eliminates the hazards and draft problems caused by gaps, cracks and spalling in otherwise sound masonry chimneys. HeatShield® is an eco friendly product made from recycled and naturally occurring materials.

Developed over 20 years ago, Heat Shield® Cerfactory® technology is a hybrid (ceramic/refactory) coating. Its has been proven to withstand moisture, corrosive flue gasses and temperatures in excess of 2900° F (holding a ‘super-duty’ rating per the American Society of Testing and Materials). It surpasses both National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) and International Residential Code (IRC), which require only a ‘medium-duty’ refactory mortar for use in fireplaces and chimneys.

How Heat Shield® Works:

We restore your chimney’s clay flue by resurfacing the interior. A custom-made foam applicator is placed at the bottom of the flue and attached to a winch on top of the chimney.

We first apply a ‘tie coat’ material to the flue walls as the applicator is pulled upward by the winch. The ‘tie coat’ cleans any remaining dust in your flue and acts as a primer for the HeatShield® Cerfractory® Flue Sealant.

After the tie coat dries, the HeatShield® material is then applied onto the flue at a thickness of about ¼ inch with the applicator being lifted upwards by the winch. This unique application method is known as ‘slip casting’.

Our service team at Anderson’s Chimney and Masonry Services has gone through extensive factory training and is HeatSheild® certified.

In business for over 30 years, Anderson’s Chimney & Masonry provides a variety of professional Chimney & Furnace Flue Relining Services in:
Camp Hill, Carlisle, Hanover, Harrisburg, Hershey, Lancaster, New Cumberland, York

Call Now: (717) 970-5158

HeatShield Diagram

National Standards

As certified sweeps, we are held to national standards of the NFPA. NFPA 211 for wood burning, NFPA 54 for gas appliances and NFPA 31 for oil appliances. All of our work is always conducted professionally and in compliance with these and any other local government codes that apply. Our professional opinions will be based on our experience and education.

CALL TODAY! (717) 975-3526

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