Firebox Repair & Rebuilding

You don’t have to be a fireplace expert to know that fireplaces take a lot of punishment. Extreme temperatures, flames, smoke and acidic gases all take their toll on the inside structure of a modern firebox.

Since 1990, Anderson’s Chimney & Masonry Service of New Cumberland, PA, has been repairing, rebuilding and restoring our customers’ fireboxes to bring back their original beauty, efficiency and safety. Here’s how we can help you.

How Fireboxes Become Damaged

The bricks, mortar, panels and other parts of a firebox are strong and capable of lasting for many years. But eventually, even the best materials will begin to fail.

It’s not uncommon for firebox temperatures during a fire to pass 900 degrees, a level of heat that can wear down its materials. In addition, acids from creosote, which forms during fires, can damage even the strongest fireboxes.

A chimney leak that sends water into the firebox can lead to brick and mortar damage. An important part of our firebox repair work is inspecting the chimney to find and repair chimney leaks.

Inferior materials and poor workmanship can leave a firebox vulnerable to damage and deterioration before its time. A firebox project should be undertaken only by experienced masons who will use the right materials and know how to do the work correctly.

Professional firebox repairs in Hanover & Shrewsberry, PA

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Firebox Repair

The masons at Anderson’s Chimney & Masonry start every firebox repair job with an inspection. We want to understand exactly what’s happening with the firebox and what caused the problems.

Having your firebox professionally repaired will prevent some serious problems, including flames exiting the structure and starting a house fire.

Smoke and deadly carbon monoxide can also escape from a compromised firebox. Smoke can damage adjacent building materials of the home; carbon monoxide can enter a home’s air and put the health of people and pets at risk.

For minor and moderate firebox damage, we have excellent results with a specialized mortar called “fireclay” that seals breaks and gaps. We can replace fire bricks and refractory panels that can’t be effectively sealed. Sections where mortar has crumbled away can be filled in with a strong heat-resistant compound designed for fireboxes.

Firebox Rebuilding

When a firebox is significantly damaged and no level of sealing or repair will solve the problem, we suggest a complete firebox rebuild.

Professional firebox repairs in Camp Hill & Carlisle, PA

Our crew has several approaches to firebox rebuilding that include designing the new firebox in a way that reduces heat loss, accelerates smooth drafting and greatly improves overall performance.

The Rumford Firebox and the Prior Fire Firebox are two of the designs we offer that our customers absolutely love. We’ll be happy to tell you about all the amazing benefits of these advanced firebox systems when we discuss a rebuilding project.

Whether we repair or rebuild your firebox, our NFI-certified technicians will do all the work in strict compliance with state and local building and fire safety codes.

Call Your Pennsylvania Firebox Repair Experts

Anderson’s Chimney & Masonry Service repairs and rebuilds fireboxes throughout Central, PA, Gettysburg, PA, Hanover, PA, Shrewsbury, PA, York, PA, New Cumberland, PA, Columbia, PA, Lititz, PA, Ephrata, PA, Chambersburg, PA, and other Pennsylvania communities.

Speak with a chimney and fireplace expert by calling (717) 975-3526. You can also use our handy contact form.

National Standards

As certified sweeps, we are held to national standards of the NFPA. NFPA 211 for wood burning, NFPA 54 for gas appliances and NFPA 31 for oil appliances. All of our work is always conducted professionally and in compliance with these and any other local government codes that apply. Our professional opinions will be based on our experience and education.

CALL TODAY! (717) 975-3526

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